"The good of," the campaign of Vanini, ICAM's premium brand, which places concrete solidarity toward consumers and more at the center of its projects.

ICAM, through its premium brand Vanini, has always offered products aimed at a consumer who seeks in chocolate excellent quality, innovative recipes and who believes in the value of environmental and social sustainability.
The multi-channel campaign “The Good of” was born from this knowledge, and it includes different levels of activation, raising consumer awareness about the importance of “making conscious purchasing choices,” “safeguarding the Planet,” and “creating bonds.”
From Oct. 1 to Dec. 22, 2022, people will in fact have the chance to participate in the “The Good of Chocolate” contest – the first initiative of the “The Good of” campaign – which gives away a shopping voucher worth €100 every day. To participate, you just need to buy two bars of your choice from the Vanini Bagua line in a single act of purchase and connect to the web page dedicated to the initiative www.ilbuonodelcioccolatovanini.it, where you will immediately be able to find out if you are among the lucky winners.
In addition, by choosing Vanini, the consumer also supports Banco Alimentare in donating 100,000 meals to families in need.
Within the “The Good of” campaign, there is also the special initiative “The Good of Caring for the Planet”, carried out in collaboration with Treedom and designed to give life to a forest in South America with orange, coffee and, of course, cocoa trees, thanks to the help of each of us. To help realize this ambitious project, people are simply required to participate in a short and fun quiz on the dedicated landing page: www.vaninicioccolato.com/it/ilbuonodelpianeta.
The quiz, in addition to the game component, is designed to raise awareness among consumers, and help them discover the sustainability information on Vanini bars, along with some interesting facts about the chocolate supply chain.
The way it works is simple: the more people participate, the more trees are planted!
An interface has been developed for this activity that shows in real time the number of users who have taken part in the game, the number of trees planted so far, and the amount in kg of CO2 that those trees allow to absorb, so that we are always up-to-date on our planting in South America.
The third, and final, declination of the campaign leverages “the good of creating bonds and relationships”, particularly those that the company has been cultivating for over 75 years with local producers, whose stories now find their way inside the new Vanini Bagua connected packaging. Three farmers from the Aprocam cooperative in Peru, through their “cocoa stories” – usable thanks to the Augmented Reality experience – take the consumer to discover the supply chain, people and territories of origin of a raw material, as precious and ancient, as cocoa.